Perfect Costume for the Halloween

“Sponsored post. All opinions are mine.”

Happy Sunday everyone! How was the past days of October? I am super busy at home and at home too. I hope that most tasks both online and offline will be done before  I hit the road again.

Looks like the weather is getting better outside. It was raining and so windy when I woke-up but now, the sun is slowly shining. It just makes me feel good when I see the sunshine. How about you guys?

Halloween is almost here. In fact, I already saw some people at work last week who are wearing Halloween costumes. Last night when passing at the next town, it seemed that there was Halloween party going on.

When I also attended a gathering last night, a friend sent me a message that we will be having a Halloween party this coming last day of October. I am quite excited about it. (more…)


Shopping for Top Quality Meat Products Online

Buffalo and bison meat is high in protein and low in fat, making it one of the most popular varieties of red meat on the market. As healthy and delicious as this meat is, it is not carried in many grocery stores around the country. Grocery stores that do make it available may only keep the smallest quantities and fewest product selections on hand.

When you know well the taste and texture that come with bison meat and want to add some to your fridge or freezer, you may wonder how you can get access to a wide selection of products offered at competitive prices. You can shop for steaks, burger, bison bratwurst, and other selections on the website today. (more…)


My Dream Motorhome RV Camper

Sponsored Post. All opinions are mine.

Do you have  dreams and wishes in life?, I have the same! Call me crazy or ambitious but one of dreams is to own a Motorhome RV Camper. Yes, I really wanted one and I hope one day, I will  drive my own RV.

The past weeks, I have been talking to a colleague who is a retired US Army. He mentioned to me that  if ever he will  have his social security retirement, all he wanted is a Motorhome RV Camper so that he can drive and travel the whole of United States of America.  Not really a bad idea and I wanted the same! (more…)


Acoustic, Electic! Simply Music!

How’s your weekend folks! Mine was great so far! Today was such a perfect day with the sun shining all day long. Indeed a superb weekend and I am thankful about it.

I did hear a lot of music this weekend. Whatever I am doing at home especially if I am in one of my favorite place which is the kitchen, I always turn on the radio or let the CD player runs to hear my favorite songs. I simply love the acoustic of the music being played! I just love listening to music. (more…)


Friend Loves to Play A Guitar

Thanks God for Thursday! I can’t wait for a happy TGIF and the coming weekend too! I am also grateful for this new month of April. Time flies indeed so fast. I can’t wait for the next travels and adventures. I am getting excited everyday.

Anyway, I just talked with a friend awhile ago. She loves playing musical instruments especially guitars, organ and piano. I am jealous to her since she really plays good. Back in high school and college, she used to play it in the church and any other celebration at school. (more…)


Watching Shows on TV

Hello everyone! How are you doing? I hope everything is fine and that you are having a great start of 2017. Before January ends, I would like to extend my well wishes to all of you. May the rest of the year bring prosperity, more blessings, peace on earth and good health always.

I am happy to see that the sun is shining outside at the moment. It makes me feel energized. And yes, talking about energized, I need to recharge my battery and I can only do it when I am traveling somewhere. The best thing would be a vacation in my home sweet home! (more…)


Shopping During Holiday Season

Are you done shopping for presents this holiday season? I believe not! I have not shop anything special yet but I already did some little shopping. Everything I am buying are mostly  grocery items. Most of the stuffs  I  buy are on sale and I love it.

I will not really go shopping big time this year like the  last year. For me,  material things are not the most important now. What I wish and hope for is good health always. Not only for me but for me dear family and loveones and also to my friends. (more…)


Gift Ideas for Music-Lovers

How are you doing folks? I hope the beginning of the month of November is doing great to all of you. I also hope that this month will bring good things  like good health, contentment, love  and happiness to me, my family and friends around the planet.

Christmas is fast approaching! I believed many of you are already starting to shop for Christmas presents. I do and in fact  I already started shopping for gifts to my family and love ones. (more…)


Save Some Bucks When Booking for Your Next Holiday at Groupon

I have been compensated for this post with either a sample product and/or payment. All opinions are mine.


Happy Halloween! I believed some of you are enjoying your Halloween party right now. Some might be getting slowly for a costume party and simply enjoy the fun and laughter during this celebration. Have lots of fun guys but be safe.

I remember 4 years ago when we went at Frankenstein Castle to celebrate for Halloween. It is a hilltop castle in the Odenwald overlooking the city of Darmstadt in Germany. It is alleged that this castle may have been an inspiration for Mary Shelley when she wrote her 1818 Gothic novel Frankenstein. That was quite interesting! (more…)


The Singing Gondolier in Venice

There are so many places I love to visit on earth! There are so many places that I visited but keep on visiting it again and again. One of it is Venice, Italy. My first visit there was last last 2004. It was followed in 2005, 2011 and two years ago.


I would say Venice is a magical place. It is probably the reason why I keep on coming back there. During my third visit, it was the first time when I rode a gondola. It was also the first time when I heard a gondolier singing. (more…)



Hi dear friends and visitors!! thanks for visiting me here!! Have a great and blessed day!!



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